Monday, 20 December 2010

Xmas post

It's been two years since I started working on this piece, then last week I finally managed to get it done.
This sculpture it's so meaningful to me, as it's based on a period of my son's life (from 7 to 9). At this time, for some reason, Lino got himself totally immersed into 1940's, to the point he decided to live as a IIWW boy, dressing up every day as an evacuee and carrying a cardboard box containing a gas mask I had to make to him, asking his mum to cook recipes from that time, not to mention the countless times we had to visit the Imperial War Museum. More impressively, he would ban himself from videogames and any electronic devices for weeks in a row! That era last 2 impressive and funny years, and I'm glad we even celebrated it at my birthday party asking our friends to come dressed as 1940's too. Check it here.
So well, I thought one day that it would be nice to make a sculpture from that character I was living with. After a few sketches I jumped into the clay model, but to get the mold and cast done took me a while as I was afraid to destroy my model in the process! Anyway, this is it ;)

Here you can see a bit more about each step of the process:
early sketches
previous post 2008
molding and casting
2 years celebration


Marcelo Braga said...

Fodidamente bom pra caralho!

Morar com o figurinha não é desculpa pra acertar tanto na alma do bonequinho, precisa mesmo de talento. Tá igualzinho.

Parabéns, meu véio, pela escultura, pela família, pelo talento, etc.


Silks-cream said...

show de bola kakolinos! precisa de um estagiario, conta comigo, hehe!
abracao e bom findiano

Daniel M.C. Alvite said...

muito bom, adorei as cores,

robair said...

Cako that is awesome.

Unknown said...

Show de bola em Cako. Parabens.

Jampix said...

Great stuff Cako ! :)